Each of these forms is returned to Morning Sun Financial Services of Louisiana Human Resources/Payroll Departments, unless otherwise indicated. Included in your New Employee packet is an Employee Orientation-Welcome letter.
1. Application for Employment- You may have filled out an Application for Employment at the time you applied for your position. If you have already completed one there is no need to fill out a second application. Your Employer can provide Morning Sun with a copy of that application. Please complete all sections of the application to the best of your ability and sign and date the last page of the application. This form is required.
2. New Employee/Employee Change Notification – This form provides Morning Sun with important employee information such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, and social security number as well as wage information. You must notify your Employer whenever there is a change in your contact information such as your address or phone number. This will ensure you receive any important notifications from Morning Sun. The Employer must complete and return this form to Morning Sun of Louisiana each time there is a change in an employee’s personal information, if their wage changes or if the employee is terminated. This form is required.
To Complete the New Employee Notification:
- The Employee should complete the section titled “Employee Information” with their name as it appears on their Social Security Card, address (this is where you want your payroll checks or other correspondence to be mailed to), phone number, social security number and birth date.
- The Employer should check one of the boxes in the top section and then complete the section titled “Employer Information” and "Rate Information." Both the Employer and the Employee must sign and date the form.
3. Employment Tax Information Questionnaire - A Household Worker is a person that is employed by an individual to do work in the individuals own home. Most Household Workers are required to have employment taxes withheld from their paychecks but there are some exceptions. The information collected within this form will allow Morning Sun to determine if you are exempt from certain employment taxes. This information is required.
4. Live and Work with the Person You Serve Tax Exemption – This form will help employees determine if they qualify for certain federal tax exemptions available to employees who live and share an address with the person they are providing services to.
To Complete the Live and Work with the Person You Serve Form:
- 1. The employee will write their name at the top of the form.
- 2. Write the name of the person receiving services. 3
- . Answer the 1st question, “Will you have the same address as the person you are serving?” by marking Yes or No.
- 4. Answer the 2nd question, “If you are living with the person you are serving, is this your permanent address?” by marking Yes or No.
- 5. Check the appropriate box on the bottom half of the form based on your answers to the top 2 questions.
- a. If you selected No to one or more questions in part 1, you will check the box that says, “This tax exemption DOES NOT apply to me and would like federal and state taxes taken out of my paycheck, based on my W-4 selections.”
- b. If you selected Yes to BOTH questions in part 1, you can choose to select either:
- i. “This tax exemption DOES apply to me and I understand that I will have no federal wages to claim or taxes withheld.” Or
- ii. “This tax exemption DOES apply to me, however I am choosing to take this exemption on my own personal tax return.”
- c. Please be aware that IRS regulations require that if you qualify for this exemption, you must take the exemption.
- 6. Employee must sign and date the bottom of the completed form.
5. Direct Deposit/Pay Card Enrollment – The fastest and most efficient way for an employee to receive their pay is to enroll in either Direct Deposit into a bank account or a deposit to a Pay Card. Either one of these options will guarantee you will receive your pay on the expected pay date rather than waiting for a check to arrive by mail. Please complete this form to choose how you would like to receive your pay.
To Complete the Direct Deposit/Pay Card Enrollment:
- 1. Complete all information asked on the Direct Deposit/Pay Card Enrollment.
- 2. If you are choosing to receive your pay card, fill in The rapid! PayCard issued by Mastercard card section. When Morning Sun receives your enrollment form, a pay card will be mailed out to you to the address you have provided in the Employee Authorization section along with activation instructions.
- 3. If you are choosing to have your pay deposited into your own checking or savings account, fill in the section titled “Direct Deposit”.
- a. You must attach a voided check or a letter from your bank that provides your bank routing number and your personal account number. Please write “VOID” across your check.
- 4. Sign and date the form
- 5. If you feel your best option is to receive a check in the mail, please check the box to receive a paper check.
- 6. If you do not complete this form you will receive your pay by receiving a check in the mail.
6. Form W-4 – This form will be used to instruct the payroll system how to tax your wages and withhold the appropriate taxes based on those earnings. If the W- 4 is sent to the Morning Sun incomplete Morning Sun will need to send the form back for completion of the missing information. If you are unsure of how to fill out this form to claim the appropriate withholding, please see the instructions included with the form or use the wage calculator on the irs.gov website https://www.irs.gov/individuals/irs-withholding-calculator. Morning Sun can only advise you on how to fill out the form. No advice can be given. Please contact your tax advisor for help. This form is required.
7. LDR L-4 – this form is required by the State of Louisiana to determine the amount of state withholding taxes that need to be withheld from your wages. If the L-4 is sent to the Morning Sun incomplete Morning Sun will need to send the form back for completion of the missing information. If you are unsure of how to fill out this form to claim the appropriate withholding based on your earnings, please see instructions in Block A and Block B. Morning Sun can only advise you on how to fill out the form. No advice can be given as to the number of allowances you should claim. Please contact your tax advisor for help in determining the number of allowances to claim if you are unsure. This form is required.
To Complete the Form L-4:
- 1. Print your full name
- 2. Print Social Security number
- 3. Fill in your home address and zip code. This should be your physical address not a PO Box.
- 4. Select one in Box 3
- 5. In Box 6 enter the number in Block A
- 6. In Box 7 enter the number in Block B
- 7. In Box 8 enter amount to increase or decrease.
- 8. Sign and date the form L-4
8. The IRS Notice 797 is provided to each new employee hired. This notice provides the worker with information about the Federal Earned Income Credit and how to identify if you qualify for this credit when you file your personal tax returns. You may keep this page.
9. I-9/Employment Eligibility/E-Verify— all new employees are required to present proof of employment eligibility and complete an Immigration and Naturalization Service "Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)" upon hire. Please fill out all of Section 1. You must show the proper forms of identification to your employer. This form is required.
To Complete the Employment Eligibility Form I-9:
- The Employee-Section 1.
- 1. Print your last name, first name, and home address.
- 2. Fill in the box requesting your date of birth
- 3. Fill in the box requesting your social security number
- 4. Fill in your email address and telephone number- these are optional.
- 5. Place a check in the box that best states your personal status
- 6. Sign and date where it says, “Signature of Employee”
- The Employer-Section 2.
- 1. The Employer will show the worker the Lists of Acceptable Documents on page 3 of the form I-9 and instruct the worker to provide either one document from:
- List A (which verifies both identity and the right to work in the US), OR
- One document from List B (verifies only identity) combined with a document from List C (verifies only the right to work in the US).
- 2. The Employer may not ask for a specific document and must accept and document or combination of List B and List C documents on the list of acceptable documents. Employer cannot ask for more documentation than is required by law.
- 3. When the worker has provided a List A, or List B and C document, on page 2 of the Form I-9 the Employer will write down the document information in the appropriate box for List A, List B and/or List C. They must include the document type, number, and expiration date (if there is one) for all documents received.
- 4. A photocopy of each document will need to be made and sent to Morning Sun with the completed I-9.
- 5. The date these documents were reviewed should be included in the section titled CERTIFICATION.
- 6. This section must be completed within three business days of hire.
- 7. The Employer should then sign, print their name, title (owner, employer), business address (usually the participants address) and date.
- *You must submit a photocopy of your I-9 documents to Morning Sun Financial Services!
- *Morning Sun will use the information provided on the Form I-9 to verify employment eligibility through E-Verify the US Department of Homeland Security.
10. Employee Agreement Form – You as the Provider/Employee will read each of the agreements then sign and date page 2 to verify your acknowledgement and agreement to abide by the terms, conditions and responsibilities as stated above. I also agree to follow the policies and procedures of Self-Direction under the OCDD Community Choices Waiver program. This form is required
11. Medicaid Fraud Form – This form must be completed by the employee and the employer to show they understand what Medicaid Fraud is and includes examples of Medicaid Fraud. Employees are required to review this form with their employer, hand write their initials in each box next to the examples of Medicaid Fraud then sign and date the bottom of the page indicating they understand the consequences of committing Medicaid Fraud. This form is required.
12. Background Check Authorization – This form must be completed by each employee to show they understand and give permission to Morning Sun to complete the required background checks required by the program before they are hired to work. These checks include: Louisiana Bureau of Investigation, the Board of Nursing, and the Office of the Inspector General. Passing these background checks is a condition of employment. This form is required.
13. Background Check Disclosure – This form must be completed by the employee and include all of the information requested including legal name of applicant, date of birth, place of birth, race, sex, weight, height, hair color, eye color and social security number. This form will be submitted to our vendor to complete a background check on behalf of your employer. Missing or incomplete information may delay a hire date being issued. All applicants must successfully pass a background check before they may be hired.