All Programs- Employment Qualifications:
- The applicant is at least 18 years old.
- The applicant has a high school diploma, GED, trade school diploma or has verifiable
work experience that includes providing support to people with disabilities.
- The applicant is not the employer/participant or the employer
OAAS Only:
- The Participant's spouse can be hired as the PAS DSW, if the spouse (also known as the Legally Responsible Individual (LRI) meets the DSW requirements and extraordinary case criteria. Approval notification to be sent by support coordinator to FEA.
OCDD Only:
- The applicant is not the curator, tutor, legal guardian, or responsible representative of the participant, unless attestation is signed. A copy must be provided with the employee packet.
- The applicant is not the person to whom the participant has given Representative and Mandate authority (also known as Power of Attorney).
The fiscal agent will verify that the applicant is not barred from employment based on the results of the criminal background check. The participant/employer may NOT allow any potential employee to begin working for him/her until the fiscal agent clears the potential employee for hire. It will take approximately four (4) business days for the fiscal agent to clear an applicant to begin working once completed and the required paperwork is received and is accurate.