Morning Sun Financial Services is required to conduct several background checks to ensure an employee is suitably qualified to provide services to Participants. We will be checking your background through Background Research Solutions, CNA/DSW Registry and Louisiana State Adverse Actions List Search, and the Office of the Inspector General. It is a condition of your employment to successfully pass the background checks assigned. The results of this check may be shared with your prospective employer upon request. You may request a copy of your background check at any time.
By signing below, I understand that Morning Sun Financial Services will conduct an investigation into my background. I authorize Morning Sun Financial Services to perform an investigation through Background Research Solutions, CNA/DSW Registry and Louisiana State Adverse Actions List Search, and and the Office of the Inspector General.
As a condition of employment with the self-directed program with the State of Louisiana, I have been informed Louisiana State Law, Title 40 R.S. 1300.51, requires a State Police records check be performed prior to my employment. I hereby authorize Background Research Solutions to perform this check as an authorized agent under Title 40 R.S. 1300.51. I hereby hold harmless Background Research Solutions, Morning Sun Financial Services of Louisiana, OAAS and OCDD from any cause of action that may arise from inaccurate information contained in State Police records. I also understand any adverse information contained within the files of State Police and released to the authorized agency will be provided to me upon written request within ten (10) business days of receiving notice that a record exists.
By signing this form, the applicant authorizes Morning Sun Financial Services, OAAS and OCDD to release information to the self-directed program with the State of Louisiana and my prospective employer as it pertains to my potential employment. Also, by signing this form, the applicant acknowledges it is unlawful to provide false or misleading information concerning criminal history or security check to an employer.